2013年8月1日 星期四

生活即是插畫 — William Grill 插畫家專訪

2013 四月,William Grill 與倫敦知名品牌 Radley 合作,推出個人皮件及飾品

                                                                                        翻譯/ Victoria Wu 

哈囉,我今年22歲,剛從英國的 Falmouth 藝術學院畢業。大學畢業後,我很幸運能夠接了一些委託案,還有在倫敦的 YCN 實習。接著,我和朋友搬到巴斯 (Bath),打算繼續做一些廣告案和我個人的自由工作。

姓名:William Grill

⊿ 你什麼時候開始決定想成為一名插畫家呢?

⊿ 你會推薦去藝術學院就讀嗎?
當然。不過考量到現在的學費,你最好要想清楚!對課程先做一些調查,因為不同的課適合不同的人。聽起來很老套,不過我還是必須要說,付出多少就會收穫多少。光是那些能供你使用的資源收穫,就是很難從別的地方得到的,例如:周圍的人、建議、藏書、設施,以及有可能是最重要的 — 時間!

⊿ 你花了多久讓插畫成為主要的收入來源呢?

⊿ 可以描述一下你一天的生活作息嗎?
我早上大約八點半起床,然後吃一頓豐盛的早餐、翻一下日記,接著做一些計畫要做的事,還有一些無聊的小事 — 無聊的小事會讓我很開心呢。然後我通常會試著清理一下電子信箱,這會耗掉我超級多的時間。我會說,我真正開始工作的時候大約是在十點左右,不論是什麼工作。接下來大概六個小時,就是聽聽音樂、吃一些小東西和喝茶(當然同時也在工作)。還好我和我室友把樓下的一間房間變成工作室,讓我們能在裡面好好地工作,畢竟在臥室工作一點也不愉快,而有人在旁邊陪著常常會有幫助。



⊿ 有什麼是你希望在當初踏入這個領域時就能知道的呢?
大概是我需要付出多少在插畫上吧。當你發現事情不是每次都會成功的時候,不要覺得沮喪 — 你必須先畫一些失敗的作品,才會畫出好的作品。做這一行最重要的就是要一直前進。


⊿ 那你覺得做一名插畫家最不好的地方是什麼呢?

⊿ 你不做插畫家的話,會做什麼呢?

⊿ 能再分享一些其他的秘訣嗎?

Mark Making Experiments

William Grill

Hello, I’m 22 years old and I’ve recently graduated from University College Falmouth. After uni I was lucky to land a few commissions, and intern at YCN in London. I then moved to Bath with friends, intending to continue working freelance on commercial projects as well as my own personal ones.
When did you decide you wanted to be illustrator?
In my foundation year. But I believe that if I’d known more about illustration at a younger age then I would have wanted to be one sooner. At school I loved drawing, but I wasn’t really aware that its something you could just do! It’s surprising how many people don’t really know what it is.
Would you recommend studying at art school?
Definitely. Although with today’s fees you’d better be sure! Do some research about courses as they suit different people. It sounds corny but it has to be said you get out what you put in. Just the amount of things at your disposal, it’d be so hard to get that from anywhere else: the people who surround you, advice, books, facilities and probably most importantly time!
How long was it before illustration became your primary form of income?
Straight after uni. As mentioned earlier, I was very lucky to get a few commissions early on, from there things have gained momentum. Occasionally I work in a kitchen, just incase things go quiet, but so far so good. I’d also love a part-time job in a bookshop – that would be a dream.
Could you describe your typical day?
I wake up about 8:30am, eat a hearty breakfast and go over my diary, plan work, and silly jobs to do – makes me feel good. I then usually try and clear emails, a surprising amount of time is spent doing this. Actual works begins around 10am I’d say – whatever project it may be. Then it’s just listening to music, nibbling food and drinking tea for about 6 hours (while working of course). Luckily, me and my housemate have converted one of the downstairs rooms into a studio which works well, working in bedrooms isn’t fun, and having people round you is valuable.
However, I’ve recently taken to working in cafés after lunch, I like the walk into town, the background noise and enjoy the change of scenery.
After about 6pm I’m done on the hard work (unless there’s a pressing deadline). Even when works done, I’m one of those who likes to have a little sketchbook handy, just incase I get any brilliant ideas.
What do you wish you’d known when you first started out?
Just how much work things take. Don’t be discouraged when things don’t always work out – you have to go through bad drawings to get to the good ones. The main thing is to keep truckin’.
What’s the best thing about being an illustrator?
It’s something that seeps into your everyday life. That and fancy stationary shops.
What’s the worst thing about being an illustrator?
The worst thing is when you have no ideas or drive to do any work, it’s bloomin’ horrible.
If you weren’t an illustrator, what would you be?
Miserable! No, in all seriousness I think I’d work a manual job, I’ve always liked the idea of being a carpenter.
Any other tips you could share?
Don’t worry about what other people are doing.
Keep a sketchbook and bloody use it.
Let your interests feed into your work.
Find inspiration outside the usual places.
Work hard!

  • 此訪談內容及圖片來源皆經英國 Questioning Creatives 網站和插畫家本人授權,欲轉載請務必來信告知。All of the text and images from this entry are proprietary to the Questioning Creatives website and used consistent with illustrator's permission. Please contact us for any reproduction and use of these materials. 
  • Questioning Creatives: http://www.questioningcreatives.com/

